Can I Get a Warranty on My HVAC System After a Tune-Up Service in Broward County, Florida?

Are you curious if you can get a warranty on your HVAC system after getting a tune-up service in Broward County, Florida? The answer depends on the brand and type of product you have. According to the current code regulations, HVAC installers must provide a labor warranty of at least one year if they have obtained a permit. Manufacturer warranties may differ, but many have extended them to 10 years or more. It's essential to remember that HVAC warranties cover the cost of replacing equipment, not the labor cost you would pay to an HVAC company. When it comes to warranties, it's important to read the fine print.

Make sure you understand what is covered and what is not. Some warranties may cover parts only, while others may cover labor and parts. It's also essential to know how long the warranty is valid for and what type of maintenance is required to keep it in effect. If you're uncertain about any of these details, contact the manufacturer or your local HVAC company for more information. It's also important to note that some warranties may be voided if you don't follow the manufacturer's instructions for maintenance and repair.

This means that if you don't keep up with regular maintenance, such as changing air filters or having your system serviced regularly, your warranty may be invalidated. To guarantee that your warranty remains valid, make sure you follow all of the manufacturer's instructions. If you're looking for a warranty on your HVAC system after getting a tune-up service in Broward County, Florida, it's essential to do your research. Make sure you understand what type of warranty is offered and what is covered. Also, make sure you follow all of the manufacturer's instructions for maintenance and repair to ensure that your warranty remains valid. When it comes to warranties on HVAC systems in Broward County, Florida, it's important to be aware of all the details.

Read the fine print carefully and make sure you understand what is covered and what isn't. Also, make sure you follow all of the manufacturer's instructions for maintenance and repair to ensure that your warranty remains valid.

Chelsey Barkdull
Chelsey Barkdull

Freelance tv enthusiast. Typical coffee fan. Unapologetic twitter buff. Devoted music lover. Hardcore music specialist. Subtly charming zombie enthusiast.